How to Keep a Betta Healthy and Happy

How to Keep a Betta Healthy and Happy

Blog Article

Betta Fish

You have brought a new Betta fish to your home, and you feel that it often rests on the substrate. It often leaves me lonely and sad. Your Betta fish might be stressed out or diseased. This guide explains some petting tips to keep your Betta healthy and happy.

Important Supplies For Betta Fish
Before moving on to the care requirements, You must arrange the following important supplies for Betta fish.
Arrange a tank of a minimum of 5 gallons of water. A proper filtration system in the tank. You may use a sponge filter for this purpose.
The Betta fish live in hot water. So, install a heater and thermometer to maintain the water temperature in the aquarium.
Quality Betta fish food is mandatory for their healthy living. It will help to balance the required protein and nutrition in the body. Set Up some decorative materials in the tank, such as driftwood, rocks, and plants.
Place a layer of soft sand gravel in the bottom of the tank.
Enrichment is a practice in which an animal (fish) is provided with an active and playful environment to imitate its natural habitat. The Betta fish love decorating items, such as plants and substrate, in their environment. They play and hide in between these decorative items. Their natural playing exhibition and performing activities in the tank will keep them healthy and happy.
Tank Setup For Betta Fish
Betta can live in small tanks. But, it does not mean that you provide them with a very small space, which will stress them out and may shorten their lifespan. A minimum recommended tank size for Bettas is 5 Gallons. But, try to arrange a larger tank size, which will allow them to move and swim freely in the tank, and ultimately, they will feel healthy.
Water Parameters For Betta Fish
The Betta fish require special water parameters such as temperature, pressure and pH level to live healthy and happy.
1. Temperature
Betta need a warm temperature of up to 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit in their tank. You must install a water heater to keep the temperature at this level. Make sure to set up a thermometer in the tank to maintain the temperature in the tank.
2. pH Levels
When you fill the tank with water, make sure to check its water pH because most tap waters fall in the pH range of 6.5-7.5.
The Bettas live in water having a pH of 7. The pH may fall in the range of 7-7.5. Avoid keeping too high or too low water pH. It may harm your fish.
The optimum water pH plays an important role in keeping your Betta healthy.
3. Water Quality
The Bettas are very sensitive to poor water quality. Usually, Tap water contains harmful elements which may be detrimental for Bettas’ health.
There are usually two elements in normal water that need to be filtered out.
You can use any tap water conditioner to filter these harmful elements and provide healthy water for the Betta in the tank.
In conclusion, now you know the basic care requirements for keeping your Betta fish healthy and happy. Always remember that if you do not provide healthy water conditions for your Betta, it may feel stressed out and get diseased.
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